Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Barack's Gone Country

As Barack Obama's speech wrapped up last Thursday, I think my mouth literally hung open in shock when Brooks n' Dunn's "Only in America" played in the background as the smiling Obama family stood on stage and waved at the cheering crowd of Dems. That B&D twang was the last thing I expected to hear.

Obviously I wasn't alone in that surprise, since PopWatcher Chris Willman devoted a post to the matter.

I've always enjoyed having a little laugh when conservatives use songs and then get blasted by the singer and/or songwriter (my favorite example being Ronald Reagan's notoriously naive understanding of Springsteen's "Born in the USA"--I guess he never paid attention to the lyrics). Even though I know how useless it may be for them to raise a fuss about it, it still makes me chuckle.

Obama's use of "Only in America" was especially odd since it has been used in the past (as noted in Willman's post) by none other than George Bush and Dick Cheney (insert "That's not change, that's more of the same" joke here). Immediately I wondered what Brooks & Dunn would have to say about the whole thing.

Evidently, Kix Brooks figures turnabout is fair play. The man who co-wrote the song, Don Cook, founded Music Row Democrats, an organization that tries to fight the idea that the only people making music in Nashville are conservatives. Cook had to put up with Bush and Cheney using his work, and now Brooks & Dunn will do the same just as graciously.

Check out Willman's full post for some really interesting background on music in the '08 campaign, and the attitude shift he sees this year among country singers especially.

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