Wednesday, May 7, 2008

New Trailer: Twilight

I've been keeping my eyes open for this one, and somehow I still managed to miss it for a day! Twilight, the film based on the wildly popular series of vampire love stories by Stephenie Meyer, now has a quickie teaser trailer streaming online. Filming only ended last week, but the trailer still looks pretty put-together despite the fact the movie won't be released until December. See for yourself...

The casting looks solid here. Robert Pattinson (vampire Edward) and Kristen Stewart (his mortal love interest, Bella) seem to have good chemistry, and Pattinson's edginess is fitting. As someone who only recently gave in to the hype swirling around the books and read the series (seriously recent, I'm finishing the third book as we speak), I can honestly say that not only am I eagerly awaiting this film, but it doesn't look like I'll be disappointed.

The movie should have everything that I love about the books (great story lines, interesting characters) with none of the little things that drive me crazy about Meyer's prose (clumsy use of vocabulary, too many adverbs, etc.). Meyer flipped the old vampire cliches (sleeping in coffins, aversions to garlic, fangs) and created new superhero-ish vampires that should be a blast to watch onscreen.

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