Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Not cool, Michael Bay. Not cool.

In news that terrifies me for all the wrong reasons, today I found out that Michael Bay has a whole slew of horror remakes in pre-production right now, including some true classics. Bay has already had a hand in remakes of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and The Amityville Horror, and now he’s going after A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Birds, Friday the 13th, and Rosemary’s Baby. Hitchcock and Roman Polanski, Michael Bay? Really?

Why anyone would want to retool classy horror films like The Birds and Rosemary’s Baby is simply unfathomable to me. Let’s all brace ourselves for coverage of Paris Hilton’s auditions for both movies.

I have no prior problems with Michael Bay. He doesn’t have the most impressive ouevre as a director and producer, but he’s never been shooting “serious” films anyway, so it’s a moot point. Moot, that is, until he decides to take on the work of two Oscar winning directors and Oscar nominated films. Now I’m just annoyed.


Marguerita said...

Personally I hate remakes. Why would any film company want to spend millions on remaking the same movie? I got an ida, why don't they just remaster the first mae like disny does.

On another note, if they were to recreate the horror films, then I believe that would be acceptable. If they use the same script and such things as the first,then forget this idea. Also, different people don't change the movie.

Again, I hate remakes and I believe it is only a waste of money.

Subversive Me said...

How can they possibly think to do The Birds justice? I foresee an absolute abuse of CG effects ala that dog of a movie Snakes on a Plane. I guess originality is overrated these days.