Wednesday, April 23, 2008

American Idol Judges Replaced by Deaf Robots

Not really. Obviously. But, anyone seriously keeping up with the show lately has to be wondering what's up with our strange trio of judges on AI. I have ears, and a brain, and therefore feel confident laying the following criticism on Randy, Paula, and Simon, who dish out plenty of criticism themselves:

Stop acting like little David Archuleta can do no wrong: Seriously! The first week or two of the top twelve I was ok with David. The kid has a nice set of pipes, and he's light and fluffy, completely non-threatening. But now, the gloves are coming off! This kid has flubbed lyrics on more than one of his big numbers; he cannot deliver on lower, quieter notes; he consistently chooses the most BORING song possible; and he acts like he's 12, not 17. Oh, and Randy, your standard comment, "a good singer can sing anything, period," is not suitable to drag out every week in lieu of proper commentary, even when you preface it with "I'll say it again."

I'm afraid we may be stuck with lil' Archie until the final two, all because of the stampeding tweens who love him and the judges ugh-inspiring love fests. Worst of all? With all of this season's potential to have a cooler, hipper winner, David A. may put the show back at square one. Think about it...would you actually spend your money on a David A. album before shelling out $$ for the first disc from Carly, Jason, or David Cook?

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