Friday, June 6, 2008

Great Wedding Scenes

Since I'm acting as bridesmaid in a wedding this weekend (and love making lists), I thought I'd post five great wedding scenes from TV or films.

The Princess Bride: The wedding in this one is technically unofficial (she didn't say "I do"), but since the officiant is the best in film history, that's ok.

Love Actually: It's just such a great use of "All You Need is Love."

In Her Shoes: A great laid back wedding with a poem that gets me every time. (sorry about the subtitles, it was hard to pin down a good clip for this one!)

The Office: Toby may be really proud of himself in this scene from Phyllis's Wedding (his date catches the bouquet), but we all know the real MVP is Ryan. He is so desperate to keep Kelly from the flowers that he runs interference.

And, unfortunately, my grand finale clip cannot be found. I planned to end with a great Sex and the City wedding moment. The four girls are gathered at a wedding, the bouquet is tossed, and they all simply watch it hit the floor. Carrie simply says, "Ok girls, see you tomorrow." Check out the link for a picture to help you visualize.

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