Friday, July 18, 2008

Learning to Be Real (Just Like Pinnochio)

This week, when the TV Guide came, I sat down with it (like I always do) to see if anything seemed interesting enough to read. Practically screaming out to me from page 18 was the following headline: "Want to Be the Next Heidi and Spencer?" The sub-heading? "A new reality-TV school teaches the tricks of the trade."

What tricks of the trade? Isn't mindless self-promotion one of those skills you're just kind of born with, like singing or the ability to moon walk? Robert Galinsky, the creator of the New York Reality TV School, doesn't think so.

At the school, "students learn how to audition, create an on-air persona and parlay 15 minutes of fame into a career."

Has it come to this? Have we finally stopped pretending that reality shows are reality and not simply an excuse for networks to save the money they would otherwise spend on good actors and smart writers? I love my reality indulgences just as much as the next girl (cough**Rock of Love**cough), but if we live in a world where someone's goal is to become the next Speidi, maybe it's time to call the whole thing off.

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