Tuesday, July 22, 2008

New Trailer: Watchmen

This one opened up in front of The Dark Knight over the weekend, and while I had heard whispers about the project here and there, I didn't expect to be that interested in it.

The trailer has certainly altered my opinion.

For me, the most compelling aspect of the trailer may have been the song choice. The film clips are scorching when paired with The Smashing Pumpkins "The Beginning is the End is the Beginning" (two versions of which, perhaps not coincidentally, were used on the soundtrack for 1997s Batman and Robin).

Watchmen is certainly a mystery to me, something not really helped by the vague trailer, but the visuals here are stunning. The darkness of the movie certainly goes beyond the lighting. One of only two lines featured in the trailer is downright chilling: "The world will look up and shout, 'save us,' and I'll whisper, 'no.'" You get the distinct feeling that these super people are struggling with their humanity--and that's where the best drama is usually found.

Here's an EW story that sheds a little more light on Watchmen for those curious about the storyline or the characters, but I think the mood the trailer creates says enough.

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