Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I Watch Dumb Television Shows

Don’t worry. This post isn’t another, what-are-you-embarrassed-to-admit-you-like confessional. MENSA chairman Jim Werdell has written a list of the ten smartest TV shows ever (Via Pop Candy). I’m not that surprised none of my favorite shows made the cut. While I do have certain standards I look for, I’m more concerned with character than intellect when I sit down to watch something.

Here’s how Werdell broke it down:

1. M*A*S*H
2. Cosmos
3. CSI
4. House
5. The West Wing
6. Boston Legal
7. All in the Family
8. Frasier
9. Mad About You
10. Jeopardy!

I really enjoy that Werdell included All in the Family. The show was, for racism, sort of what Stephen Colbert is for conservatism. Archie Bunker was a hyperbolic bigot, meant to poke fun at racist, homophobic, and sexist rhetoric. A lot of people didn’t get the joke though, making All in the Family the perfect contender for the MENSA list. It was one of those shows that the people who “got it” could really feel smarmy about.


Michelle F said...

Sweet. I'm excited that Jeopardy made the list. I love watching that show. But I could never get the final answer correct. Fraiser is a show that I still loathe to this day. I guess I'm just not smart enough to watch...

Heather said...

I am a little upset that Jeopardy brings up the rear! How about number one? Doesn't Alec know everything? Well, I guess it isn't the ten smartest people. Still, Alec is pretty amazing. He has had the same hair cut for the last 20 years. Oh, and he pronounces all seven fruits that start with the letter Q correctly. Hoorah for M*A*S*H though. I always knew that I was retaining something from those 2am marathons where it was just me, Hawkeye and a bowl of ice cream. Ahh, youth!