Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Nothing's Gonna Stop Them Now

Over the weekend I found out that Perfect Strangers would be released on DVD today. I got very excited. Balki and Larry are as iconic in my childhood TV memories as any of the characters on Full House, even though Perfect Strangers isn’t syndicated on dozens of cable networks several times a day.

Now, I probably won’t rush out and buy the DVDs, but I may Netflix them for a nice trip down memory lane. At any rate, the show’s entry into the TV-on-DVD category proves a few things:

a) People love weird, vague, pseudo-European accents. (See also: Andy Kaufman in Taxi)
b) There is a market for anything on DVD, even if it’s not lucrative for syndication.
c) Bronson Pinchot is freaking awesome.

I’m not sure how it proves point c, but while I go tweak the logic, enjoy the Perfect Strangers dance of joy.

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