Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Random Survey: Crappy-Music Guilty Pleasures

New people in my life don’t even get to hold my iPod until I know they won’t tease me mercilessly or judge me solely based on my collection of mid-90’s boy band music, the five Britney Spears songs I own, or even that Clay Aiken cover of “Solitaire” that’s lurking around the corner every time I hit shuffle.

Before I added the adorable, pop-brothers trio The Jonas Brothers to my Stuff I’m Loving list last night, I hesitated. It is one thing to secretly jam out to silly pop music in your car with your best friend. It’s another to admit to the world (that reads your blog) that you jam out to silly pop music in your car. The kind of music we admit we listen to is a carefully cultivated piece of our persona for many of us. We let the music on our MySpace pages or the bands we list on our Facebook profiles tell a little story about us, let people know who we are. The Jo Bros, the boy bands, and the Clay Aiken covers never make the cut for my story. I opt to focus the narrative on the “Desert Island” picks that I could never be embarrassed about instead: David Gray, James Morrison, Mat Kearney, et al.

I’m sure I’m not the only person who generally leaves the fluffier stuff out. So, fess up. What crappy music do you secretly love? Feel free to redeem yourself with some of your own “Desert Island” picks since I couldn’t resist redeeming myself.


Subversive Me said...

Does the full soundtrack of Grease count? Its not fluffy, more corny than anything? Don't make me evoke the image of the Monkeys "I'm a Believer!". Yes on the Ipod and I'm not ashamed to dance to it.

Dr. Harrison said...

I knew my relationship with my Significant Other was serious when I finally relinquished the iPod and confessed my fixation with gospel music. Perhaps exchanging iPod lists is the new swapping of keys to one another's apartments?

TNLogan said...

Oh how I love guilty pleasure music! I have so many. But what actually surprised me was catching myself singing along to the new Miley Cyrus/ Hannah Montana song. Crap!! I really didn't want to like it... it makes me feel like a pre-teen...