Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A Taste of SNL

I plan to come back to this at some point today and talk about SNL's post-strike return Saturday night. For now, enjoy my two favorite sketches from the evening.

First, Tina Fey does a spot-on impression of Daisy (The Trainwreck) from Rock of Love.

Next, SNL manages to pull off the only "I drink your milkshake" (from There Will Be Blood) parody I've found at all original. Also, I've had the theme song (surely sung by Will Forte) stuck in my head all weekend.

More later...


Ellenod said...

I've watched that milkshake skit at least 100 times. My mom doesn't get it.

TNLogan said...

Ohh, I've missed SNL so much! Thanks for posting the skits- can't get enough of them!

Michelle F said...

haha so I finally got around to watching the skits. "I've got killer skin tags and one leg." Gotta love Amy Poehler. And yes the milkshake skit will be in my head all weekend I bet. But it's worth it!